
Showing posts from December, 2009


I don't care for Christmas. Gift giving and gift receiving is part of Christmas. I have no problem giving gifts. In fact, I love giving gifts to those that are in my life and those who appreciate it. My problem is that I hate receiving gifts. I'm not too sure when this started. As a kid I loved receiving gifts. As a more mature person not so much. I feel awkward. I buy myself what I need or want, when I want it. So when somebody else does it I feel strange.

Emancipation Anniversary

Ah, what a year it has been. The progress I've made is remarkable. The 2nd anniversary of my emancipation is just around the corner. In order to continue that progress its time to burn some shit. I've never done this, nor been part of one of these events but on the 15th I'm going to burn a bunch of pictures and shit. Should be fun. If you see some large flames in Kelowna on that evening, don't worry its all good. Any other suggestions are welcome.


Alright so I really didn't know what the whole thing was about until 2/3 of the way through the month. What rock have I been under? No clue. Anyhow so I usually sport a goatee but I detest the moustache. I hate it poking into my lip, but in support of prostate cancer I let it grow out anyway. My problem lies in the rules. Are you supposed to let it grow for the entire month untrimmed? If that is the case then I'm in trouble next year. I'm can grow facial hair at a pretty decent rate. I usually trim my goatee several times a week. Well if any of you know, please let me know.