
Showing posts with the label friendship


Therapy has saved my life this year.  Without my therapist and a group of friends, I'd have killed myself.  The abuse and carnage that was my relationship with Daniela Sosa was indescribable.  The way she blew things up, used everything I had told her in confidence against me was soul destroying.  We almost need a therapy group for people who have dated her.  I'm sure everybody has a similar story. So the dating a narcissist (cover narcissist in this case), and then the ending of the relationship, will bring back up every piece of trauma that you have ever encountered in your life.  It will make you confront every ounce of past trauma that you have ever experienced.  In the end this is a good thing because you will be further along your heeling than you were before, but the process is crushing. Soul destroying.  So many tears.  So many thoughts of why you are still here, because in the end why are you still doing this? How many times have I t...

Reason, a Season or a Lifetime

A really good friend of mine sent me that email what seems like decades ago. The basis behind it is that people come into your life for many reasons, and the sooner you find out why, the better you are able to know what to do. I love meeting knew people. It helps me to learn about myself. Those who know me would probably say I'm a twisted individual with "issues". I'm also a pretty self critical person. This can lead to me being hard on people as I try and understand them, which in turn leads me to reflect upon myself. Something that can be hard for people to understand is that I truly do care about their well being. I love to joke and bug, but its all in the name of fun. I don't think people will ever understand how much it hurts me to know that I caused them harm. I like to think of myself as an open book, but I'm beginning to realize I only show people certain chapters. Part of the "issues' I guess. Oh well not sure where this was going, bu...