
Showing posts with the label Alcohol

The Weekend that Was

My weekends used to be full.  Well planned out, and normally busier than I would like.  I have gone from that to nothing.  I normally have very few things that I need to do, or events that I need to go to.  While once I was content, and even happy for this, I am now lonely and bored.  Good thing I have this hike to train for, otherwise I may not see anybody over the course of a weekend.  My people are back to being busy and scheduled, and I'm left on the outside looking in.   I don't want to busy myself just to be busy, I want to be busy doing things I love and enjoy.  Most people I know their social activities revolve around alcohol.  I really don't want to do that either.  I need to expand my circle of friends and people to do things with.  Dating is filling up some of that, but man how I wish that Daniela could have been the person I thought she was, instead of the person who she turned into being.  My fault, I ignored ...

The Booze Blues

Raise your hand if you like the occasional alcoholic beverage. If you raised your hand please continue reading. If you didn't then what the hell are you doing reading my blog. Please walk down to the nearest alcohol serving establishment and have a few dozen. So the remainder of this rant is for the rest of us. Those who are educated in the beauty and the beast of your favorite alcoholic beverage. Now lets cut the crap and get down to it. I love booze. I love it for its complicated tastes. I love how it can complete a meal, an event or an outing. I love its medicinal purposes. It can brighten a day, relax you, and help you sleep. Now for the dark side. If you are in a shit mood it exaggerates that emotion. Alcohol is a depressant. We all know that, but then why do we lean towards it when we are in difficult periods of our life? I don't know about you but I actually try and stay away from the booze during my dark periods. I don't need any help going down the da...