No clue what to call this

This is a post I started writing in my head on the way back from watching the Olympics. My travel companion was sleeping, and I didn't feel like listening to music, so I started formulating this in my head. Now then when my travel companion woke up, this post kind of got muddled in my head. So lets see what comes of this. And to those who care, this is a PG post until further notice.

I believe we have 3 forms of thinking when we are doing or accomplishing something. Basically 3 states. They are Frantic, Hesitation and Natural.

Ok first the frantic. This is when we press for something and are basically trying to hard. Case in point the Canadian men's hockey team when the played the US. Another example comes down to relationships. Sometimes people like the idea of something so much that they force it in their mind. Kind of like putting the round peg into a square hole. You may achieve some level of success when you are in this state of thinking, but really it is inefficient and won't lead to the best result.

Next up, Hesitation. This is when we take that extra half second or day or week, or month to make a decision or to do something we know we want to do. Kind of like procrastination but its more subconscious. A couple of examples of this one. Again back to Olympic men's hockey and the Cdn vs Sui game. The players were waiting an extra second to make a play instead of relying on their instincts to make the play quickly. This I think can also be attributed to sabotaging oneself. We do this by dating people we know we won't work out. We do this by sleeping with people we know we won't date. We do this by generally setting ourselves up for failure instead of getting out of the way of ourselves. Usually when you are in this state, you are terrified of failure and not concentrating on success. Now then while you may still reach your goals and accomplishments, you won't have reached them as quickly nor as efficiently as you could have.

Lastly, we have the Natural. Now then this is when we just simply exist and let all of our training, and knowledge come out. We don't over think or under think we just react and go. The difficulty in this is getting out of our own way. Easier said than done right? Well maybe not. If we can identify when we are acting or behaving in the other two frameworks maybe that alone is enough to correct our behavior and get us to move to this state of thinking.

What is my point in this post? Nothing really, I just had this stream of consciousness and wanted to share. Take it for what its worth. I think it needs editing but that's not how I write. Feel free to comment, and to my editor, hack away.


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