Strange Happenings

So is it bad things happen in three's or strange things???  In this case I have three strange occurrences in past several days.  I apologize in advance as this post won't have my normal writing flare.

#1  Azuly

Just when we think that we can go out and have a normal evening strange things happen.  They have renovated this old bar and we had started to go.  It was quite, it was clean, and there are no hookers.  So last night we went out, had some beers and then got in the truck to leave.  We were going to do a quick lap around town and see what was happening.  We pulled through the intersection and a cop on a motorbike pulled us over.

First off we rarely interact with the police.  Normally when they see that we don't speak Spanish, and they get our vehicle papers they are happy.  Not this guy.  He was yelling and screaming at us.  Of the three of us that were out, I was the one that knew the most Spanish.  So he thought we were pretending to not know Spanish but honestly I could only understand about half of what he was saying.  He continued to hell at us as we gave him more and more of he driver's documentation.  We gave him the international license and his Canadian driver's license.  He read through some of it, and then made a slashing motion across his throat.  I think this was his way of saying something was expired.  We have no clue.  Eventually he just let us go but not without yelling at us some more, and saying that we understood what he was saying when we really didn't.

Sunday morning I go and talk to our "fixer" also known as the Godfather.  We kind of figure out that what he was looking for was a Cuban driver's license.  Apparently after you have been here for 6 months you are supposed to have one.  So now we are in a quite panic to try and get these licenses without raising too much attention just in case they say we can't drive until we get this taken care of.  Seeing as how it's Cuba the process is full of red tape.  Something tells me we will be lucky to have this taken care of by Christmas.

#2 Whatcha Lookin' At???

So after our eventful night with the po-po I decided to spend a relaxing day around the room.  I went outside to read a book, drink some water, and soak up some sun.

No sooner had I set up my chair and sat down then I noticed the guard watching me from about 50 feet away. After 10 minutes of him staring at me realizing I wasn't going anywhere, and nor was I doing anything wrong, he decided to walk away.  Good now I can relax in peace.

No sooner had he left then I heard a whistle.  I turned around to see some kids playing on the road behind our complex.  This is normal as they ride these little carts down the hill.  I think nothing of it and continue on.  After a few minutes of not hearing anything I decided to see what they were up to.  By this time they had walked right up to the fence and were staring at me.  All three of them.  Just standing there staring at me.  Not saying a word but just staring.  As you can imagine I found this strange and creepy.  It wasn't the relaxing afternoon in the sun I had hoped for.  So after a few minutes I decided to pack up and go back inside.

It just seems so sad that we can't even relax while we are here unless we do it inside our rooms, hidden away in the darkness.  Sometimes it makes you want to scream.

#3  WTF is Going on???

For starters most of you are aware that I don't talk to my family.  I think it has been over 5 years or so.  I haven't heard from them in several years and nor do I care to.  Well on Thursday I'm just working away and I leave my office to talk to somebody.  When I come back I see that my Canadian cell phone is flashing.  I take a look at it and somebody called me from Canada.  Normally when you get a call from Canada it just shows up as a 5 digit number and you have no idea who called you.  Not this time.  The caller I.D. said it was from my parents.  They didn't leave a message so I thought nothing of it until last night.

Last night I get a strange message from my roommate in Kelowna that there is a something for me to pick up at the post office and that it requires a signature.  Seeing as how I wasn't expecting anything this set off all kinds of alarm bells.  I start thinking that this can't be a coincidence and that the two items must be related. As I'm not sure what is going on, I just go to bed as it's late.  Well much to my surprise I wake up this morning to find out that the roommate was able to pick it up and it is a letter from my mother.

Now then I know you'd all like a nice tidy ending to the blog but my roommate is still asleep and therefore I don't know what it contains.  I'm debating whether or not to have her open it.  I can't really imagine what it is.  My guess is that somebody is sick or dying.

TO BE CONTINUED.................


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