
So the devil won out and I went to Holguin this weekend.  It was my first real trip to Holguin.  We fly in and out of there all the time but all we see is the airport and the hotel.  My planning for this trip sucked and I forgot my camera so unfortunately I don't have any pics.  One of the guys did and if I can get a copy I will post them.

We got there around 5 and went and hung out at the airport with a couple of the expats who were flying out.  For this portion of the evening I played DD.  The others drank at an expedited rate.  One of the guys who was just finishing his 6th week, and still has 1 more to go, tied into the cerveza pretty hard.  I think he had about 5 which might not be a lot for some of us, but for him it was a lot. He then proceeded to pass around a bottle of rum in the parking lot of the airport.  Needless to say he got the worst of it.

As we were driving from the airport to the hotel, you could hear the alcohol hitting his blood stream.  He was hammered.  We coaxed some food and water in him and he starter to regain some function of normality.

At about this time the inbound expats had showed up at the hotel and it was time to get the evening officially underway.  We headed off to the Centro Plaza and strolled around a bit.  Basically everybody comes down town and hangs out in the middle of the square.  All the shops along the side are open and they are selling beer and food and you just stroll around eating or drinking.  As we were walking around one of the expats mentioned a girl he had met the last trip in, and out of nowhere there she was.  So he was happy and then we were of to some club called Nocturno.

It was pretty much the same as the Patio we have in Moa except it was bigger.  The show was better and the dancers obviously had more skill/training.  The show went on for an hour or so then the dancing began.  Considering how many people were there, not a whole lot of people were actually dancing.  The other thing I noticed was that most of them weren't even drinking.  I guess they by the time they pay to get into the club, buy their outfits, they can't afford to drink.  So most of them stand around in their sparkling white outfits (cuban's love the black light) smoking cigarettes and just hanging out.  Made for a great people watching experience but the cigarette smoke wasn't so good for my cold.  All in all everybody has a good time and the two old guys brought their chickas back to the hotel and I'm assuming they continued their party.  lol.

Me I crashed.  This cold is getting old quick.  Sunday we woke up, toured around town a bit trying to find some rum, and I ended up with 4 bags of coffee beans.  The trip home was uneventful except for no sooner had we pulled into Moa then we got a flat.  Better in Moa than further out.  5 minutes later we were en route to our rooms.  I'm pretty sure all of us had a siesta when we got back.  I think I slept for around 3 hours.

Holguin was a nice city and I look forward to spending some more time there.  It is clean, has more amenities and more importantly isn't Moa.  I can see myself spending a few weekends there.


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