
The masses

So I've been writing this little blog for a while. I started it for pure shits and giggles, but now find it kind of therapeutic. Originally I spread the word to people as I talked to them, and had kept the readership quite small. Part of me was always hoping for a bigger readership but I was worried what people I knew would think. There is some messed up stuff on here and, unfortunaletly, all of it is true. Yesterday I put the link on my Facebook so that more of my friends could find it and read it if they want to. I was shocked at how quickly I started getting responses. Now then part of me is conflicted over the new readership. I am a little concerned about a few people reading this as it may come back to bite me in the ass. Those of you know me know that I usually wouldn't be concerned about that; however, until I have a few things wrapped up I'd rather they didn't read this. I guess only time will tell if those people find this. I do have an interesting question. I ...

Debbie Downer

So I have been chatting with a good friend of mine, and she refers to me as Debbie Downer. Now I know I'm not always happy, but I do try and be up beat, because really what do I have to be down about? So I will take this time to self criticize on my path to enlightenment. This weekend I found myself back in the booze blues a bit. I was a little sick as well, but two nights of drinking kind of caught up to me on Saturday. Now then I had a great time and even enjoyed playing the card game asshole. I love that game!!! I hadn't played it in ages. Damn its fun and quite noisy. And something about me likes to be loud. Sometimes I take it too far and get a little carried away, but that's me. I never seem to know where the line is until I've crossed it. Why is that I wonder? Now back to the downer part. I think the reference stems from me trying to balance things out. If a person has a conversation with me about how something they have done upsets them, and they are...

Reason, a Season or a Lifetime

A really good friend of mine sent me that email what seems like decades ago. The basis behind it is that people come into your life for many reasons, and the sooner you find out why, the better you are able to know what to do. I love meeting knew people. It helps me to learn about myself. Those who know me would probably say I'm a twisted individual with "issues". I'm also a pretty self critical person. This can lead to me being hard on people as I try and understand them, which in turn leads me to reflect upon myself. Something that can be hard for people to understand is that I truly do care about their well being. I love to joke and bug, but its all in the name of fun. I don't think people will ever understand how much it hurts me to know that I caused them harm. I like to think of myself as an open book, but I'm beginning to realize I only show people certain chapters. Part of the "issues' I guess. Oh well not sure where this was going, bu...

The Booze Blues

Raise your hand if you like the occasional alcoholic beverage. If you raised your hand please continue reading. If you didn't then what the hell are you doing reading my blog. Please walk down to the nearest alcohol serving establishment and have a few dozen. So the remainder of this rant is for the rest of us. Those who are educated in the beauty and the beast of your favorite alcoholic beverage. Now lets cut the crap and get down to it. I love booze. I love it for its complicated tastes. I love how it can complete a meal, an event or an outing. I love its medicinal purposes. It can brighten a day, relax you, and help you sleep. Now for the dark side. If you are in a shit mood it exaggerates that emotion. Alcohol is a depressant. We all know that, but then why do we lean towards it when we are in difficult periods of our life? I don't know about you but I actually try and stay away from the booze during my dark periods. I don't need any help going down the da...


Little backgrounder.  I live in the most beautiful province in Canada, British Columbia.  The recently reelected government of this fine province recently announced that they were going to harmonize the provincial sales tax with that of the federal government.  Historically they two taxes had been separate with the federal rate being 5% and the provincial rate being 6%.  Effective July 1, 2010 the rate will now be a harmonized 12%. Alright this is a rant about the HST and how it will actually be a good thing, as opposed to the death of small business.  The article I will be refering to was prepared by the Fraser Institute and non-governmental think tank.  Therefore it is independent of the government and is only looking out for the best interests of society. I encourage everybody to read this article and send it on to friends.  Also please feel free ...