Little backgrounder.  I live in the most beautiful province in Canada, British Columbia.  The recently reelected government of this fine province recently announced that they were going to harmonize the provincial sales tax with that of the federal government.  Historically they two taxes had been separate with the federal rate being 5% and the provincial rate being 6%.  Effective July 1, 2010 the rate will now be a harmonized 12%.

Alright this is a rant about the HST and how it will actually be a good thing, as opposed to the death of small business.  The article I will be refering to was prepared by the Fraser Institute and non-governmental think tank.  Therefore it is independent of the government and is only looking out for the best interests of society.


I encourage everybody to read this article and send it on to friends.  Also please feel free to use the comment section of this blog to air your opinions.


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