All was quiet until.....................

Well that was until last night.  

I got home just after dark and there were a few expats standing around so I got out of my truck and went to talk to them.  Yes I have a new to me vehicle.  It's a 2009 Mitsubishi truck.  2L turbo diesel with lots of power.  It was in a major accident in 2009 and has finally been fixed now.  It's still missing some parts but still better than my old on.  Picture to come.  Anyhow back to the real story.

Seems that somebody had broken into one of our guys rooms and stolen his safe out of his room.  They didn’t break into it, they ripped the thing out of the wall.  It is screwed in really deep and would have taken some time and effort.  Unfortunately he had his passport and a bunch of money in different currencies.  He lives in Wales so he carries, Cuban money, Canadian, Euro, and the British pound.  So I think he said they took about 1,200 – 2,000 dollars.  Not sure why he is carrying that much around with him but I’m sure he has his reasons.  Money is replaceable so that’s not such a big deal, but he also had his passport and camera in there.  Again the camera can be repurchased but the pictures would be lost.  

The passport though is a problem.  He is leaving at the end of next week as he is having  some medical issues (this is the 2nd guy) and has to go home for more tests.  It looks like it may be cancer which would be the second time he has had it.  Oh and on top of it all he has worms so he is on medication to get rid of that.  So talk about kicking a man when he is down.

We were all quite upset as this is the second time in 3 months that one of our places had been broken into. After the last one we got new and better locks put on our safes, but seeing as how that didn't solve the problem we are going to have a new uber heavy safe installed in the gym which is at our boss's house.  Today our purchasing people are researching the heaviest and biggest safe that we can fit through the door of the gym.

So much for having security guards eh?  I wonder what they are guarding?

Anyhow I'm sure there will be more to come, and I will try and keep you updated.


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