The names have been changed to protect the innocent

Ok so this is the story of today's adventure.  This actually has nothing to do with work and I could see something similar to this occurring in Canada.

It actually started yesterday, when me and a co-worker decided to head to Baracoa on Sunday.  We needed to get out of town, and the weather looked crappy so we figure the beach wouldn't be that good.  My coworker knows a guy that owns a small rooming house with a restaurant in it so we arranged to have lunch there.  He asked if we would be able to give his daughter a ride from Baracoa back to Moa as she is going to school here. We said that wouldn't be a problem.

So we wake up around 8 and have some breakfast and take off for Baracoa.  We were trying to get there early to buy some wine and look for some rum.  So we wander around and enjoy the sights of the town and then make our way to Alberto's house for lunch.  We weren't able to find the rum we were looking for so Alberto hooked us up and we found what we were looking for.  Back at the Casa we sat down and enjoyed a feast of food.  We had lobster, smoked pork, chicken soup, salad (with vegetables) and all kinds of good stuff.  We relaxed there for a few hours and just enjoyed the peacefulness and the view of the bay (of course I forgot my camera).  So as I was driving and therefore not drinking my co-worker and the daughter were getting into the rum.  Seeing as how I was bored, I encouraged it.  2:30 hits and we take off for Moa.

On the way out of Baracoa I see the mine translator at the side of the road needing a ride so we pick him up too.  Probably saved the guy a long trip back to Moa.  Plus he can translate for us with this girl.  So off we go.  At this point I decided these guys needed some more drinks so that I could continue to watch the show, so we stop at the beach and buy  bottle of rum.  My co-worker and the daughter start having a contest.  Both the translator and I are on meds so we are just watching and trying to get the co-worker to hook up with the daughter.  She is totally interested but the co-worker is scared.

We drive a bit further and then the bathroom breaks start.  It takes forever to get anywhere always having to stop.  The daughter is trying to hook-up with the co-worker so everytime we stop, the translator and I have to walk away from the car so that she can try and convince him to screw her.  He is still scared so she forces him to keep drinking.  This is a bad idea.  Next time we stop its not for the bathroom its because my co-worker is throwing up and the dumbass can't get the door open far enough and is puking in my car!!!  So yeah we do this about 3 times and the girl doesn't want to go to her dormitory she wants to come with us, but we aren't having any of that and she gets all dramatic.  After an hour of the translator telling her she has to go she finally does and we make our way home.  Not before we have to stop a few more times so buddy can chuck.  By this time the truck stinks of puke.  I am not impressed at all and just want to get home.

So now I'm home, I've cleaned my truck and it's time for bed.  I could not have predicted this would happen today, but damn it was interesting.


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