This could have been a genius post

I had this post composed in my head yesterday afternoon.  I had the best of intentions to put my thoughts on the screen last night.  The thing is a half bottle of wine got in my way.  Since we didn't have our normal wine Wednesday dinner I was feeling deprived of the drink and I made up for it last night.  Nothing over the top, just a few glasses before dinner, then a few beers after dinner and a few cuba libres to cap it off.

So I will now try and do my best to re-create what I'm sure was going to be a genius post.

As I've mentioned previously there is a very real possibility that we will be losing our LPG that we use to cook with.  Well I found out that there are a few single burner hot plates in town for about $40 each.  Yes that is expensive, but we do have to cook.  So I talked to my my boss and he gave me the ok to go and purchase one for everybody who cooks.  I made a list and off I went.

This is where the fun begins.  First we get to the store and have to wait for the guy to finish counting the register.  This took about 10 minutes.  Once we were finally able to talk to him, he then had to get another guy to take the 6 units we wanted to purchase, test them, and write down all the information.  So buddy grabs the first unit, turns it on and shows me that it works.  I'm like yeah great lets get this moving.  Well then he starts filling out all the forms, by hand!!!  He writes down everything, including a copy of my Cuban identification.  The whole process for each one is about 10 minutes per unit, and this is with me doing the testing, letting them cool off, and repackaging.

So now everything is written up and we are ready to go.  We go to the till to pay, and the guy has gone to the bathroom and we have to wait.  So we wait, and wait and wait some more.  Finally after about 10 or 15 minutes this guy comes back.  Seriously how long does it take somebody to go to the bathroom???

Next up comes the hinetera who has been looking at us and sizing us up, as if she is going to eat us for dinner.  She wants to pay for our purchases on her credit card and then take the cash.  This makes no sense to me as it's no different for her to go and take money out from the money exchange.  I'm skeptical but my side kick doesn't see a problem.  I told him fine go ahead lets see how this plays out.  Well low and behold the chica's credit card won't work.  Hmmmmm, could it be stolen perhaps???  That makes the most sense to me.  Anyhow we finally pay for these things and get the hell out of there.

So in summary, the whole process took close to an hour and half where as back home it would have taken 5 minutes.  The best part is, that since the store is only open during my work hours, I had no choice but to skip out of work to do this.  Time well wasted.


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