A fter the muerta vaca the rest of the trip was pretty relaxed and low key. So if you are looking for entertaining stories then you should probably look elsewhere. Also sorry for the delay in getting this posted but I ran into a few issues. I was tired, internet problems and then had a case of writers block. So anyhow without further delay here we go. We did a quick day trip to Moa so that everybody could see the town, my room and a trip around the plant. Nobody was feeling their best this day as something had gotten ahold of our stomachs. I blame the numerous hours in the sunshine, consuming an assortment of alcoholic beverages, and lack of water. While it was a relaxing day for the passengers I was exhausted from driving and navigating the various obstacles. The following day we again got up early (much to the chagrin of some participants) to go on a catamaran, snorkeling, dolphin excursion. Our sun screen captain ensured ...