What I Like About Me

So I asked one of my best friends about this last Friday while we were out.  I cried obviously.  I told her I needed help with this list.  I think that takes away from the process, but I will be honest.  I'm stuck.  It's so hard somedays.  

So I'm going to try.  This is a work in progress and I will add to it as I go this weekend. I see my therapist on Wednesday and I'd like to have this done as well as the angry letter to Daniela Sosa.

  1. Generous (Her thoughts).  Not sure how I feel about this because it makes me think I'm buying people which I hate.  Might need to reflect on that
  2. Loyal. (Her thoughts).   I am loyal to those that have been loyal to me
  3. Empathetic - I never used to be empathetic but I think going through therapy has allowed me to become the person I really am.  I used to see this as a sign of weakness, but I do try and understand where people are coming from and feel for them.  
  4. Soft - Not sure how to put this into words, but I know I'm a very soft and sensitive person now.  I feel everything.  It's not a bad thing, it just takes some learning and practice
  5. Vulnerable - I am vulnerable and will open up to people if I feel safe.  It seems to me that people can see this and they feel the same way.  I have had some amazing conversations with new people in my life.  Also, for some reason people have always felt comfortable in telling me things.
  6. Smart - I am smart.  I have taken it for granted at times, and used it to skate by, but I was really lucky to be born with some brains.  


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