One Week

Alright so its been a week.  I have worked 5 days now.  I was very nervous to start this job.  If you had asked me how I felt about the job over this extra long weekend, I'd have said still nervous.  Today things seemed to click.  I understand the role, I understand the main system, and I feel comfortable with a few more employees.

Don't get me wrong, I still have lots to learn and lots to get under control. First of all I hate living the lie that I'm Manager, Finance and Projects, instead of what I'm really doing which is learning everything I can to take over the role in Cuba.  People keep asking me where I'm living, when I'm moving here, etc.  I hate having to lie to them but hopefully they understand when the time comes to tell them.  I'm sure they think its fishy that this new guy comes in and is supposed to do one thing, but is asking millions of questions about one thing in particular being Cuba.  Secondly there is a lack of staff available for me to learn from and to ask questions of. The CFO is doing two jobs as they are trying to hire a controller for the Canadian company as well.  The new person is who I will report to whenever they find them etc.  Lastly some of the people I need to talk to are on summer vacation.  Can't really blame them, but it does make it hard to learn.  One of the main people that I need to learn from for a key system is gone for two weeks.  Makes it hard to get stuff done.

So I am kind of bored some days.  I think I could take this over in the next few weeks, but if they want to drag it out for another month I should be able to make good progress on a few of their projects as well.

Until the next update.


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