Cuba Libre???

Ah Cuba.  You never cease to amaze me.  So as part of one of the audits performed here some people were sanctioned and or lost their job.  Now then a few weekends ago a bunch of them were arrested and are being charged for something or other.  These poor people were just doing their jobs.  At the time we were spending $500 million on capital projects to expand production.  The project was suspended in 2008 due to the downturn in the economy.  As a result the government was looking for a scape goat and has found it in these employees.  The charges are totally without merit.  These people are good people and didn't do anything wrong.  However in Cuba I don't think that means very much.

Last night was a bit of a gong.  Usually Friday nights are poker nights, but we were down a bunch of people so instead we sat in the bar and had a few beers before dinner.  After dinner one of the contractors bought a bottle of rum.  Next thing we know, the lights are off and we had turned the restaurant into a disco.  Needless to say I'm a little tired today.

This weekend is Thanksgiving back home.  One of my favorite holidays as I really enjoy a nice turkey and all the fixings.  I love stuffing, gravy,  corn.  Mmmmmmm.  Oh and don't forget the pumpkin pie.  Anyhow I hope you all enjoy the good grub, and enjoy the extra day off.


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