He's baaaackkk!!!!
So I made it. I survived the trip. I had an internal goal thinking that we could drink 40 bottles of wine over the course of the trip. We managed to drink 31, plus a ton of beer, and a bunch of pisco sours. I also managed to catch a cold upon landing in Santiago, Chile but I didn't let that slow me down and all in all I'm proud of the 31 bottles that we drank. I have pictures of 29/31 of the bottles that we drank (we drank two of them in somebodies house over lunch, and I thought it rude to take pictures at the dining table), and all of the caps or corks as the case might be. I am notorious for not taking pictures. I really tried this trip and I ended up taking roughly 300. I will post a few, but really I'm not a fan of taking pictures. So favorite part of the trip? When in Mendoza we did a day tour into the Andes that was amazing. It was a long day but we got to see the tallest mountain in the southern hemisphere a...