All aboard!!!

The train is about to leave the station.  Well I guess not really a train, I think I'm in a Pathfinder for my trip to the airport.  This has been a good rotation.  Nice and short how I like, without a ton of stress.  Things worked out well.

That being said we have had some issues.  We haven't had much water in our rooms for bathing and flushing the toilets.  It has been a problem the entire time I've been here.  This week the problem got worse as we also seem to have run out of bottled water for drinking.  I did a trip around town yesterday and there is nothing to be found.  I was looking to stock up on my hurricane provisions prior to leaving.  Normally I like to have enough water on hand for an entire rotation, as well as several flats of beer.  You would be surprised how much you need to survive a storm.  By our estimates you need 5L of water per day (no AC), a flat of beer (calories and medicinal reasons) and as much canned food as you can store.

Anyhow I'm really looking forward to getting home.  Need to catch up with some old friends, and meet a bunch of new ones.  It's unlikely that I will be posting while I'm out.  I have a lot to do and my Master of Planning has a lot meetings scheduled.  See you on the flip side.

This half of Blomley out.


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