Did you miss me???

Yeah triple question marks.  I seem to like using triple punctuation marks.  It was pointed out to me recently and I had never noticed.  I think that three is better than one, and two is just strange.  So that was a tip of the cap to a certain someone.  ;)

Ok yeah I've been gone awhile.  I have been kicking around the idea of writing again.  Part of me misses it, and part of me thought that I had written everything I had to say and that I was just repeating myself.  I started writing about Cuba as a way to communicate with friends as well as to vent about my frustrations and learning to adapt to living and working here.

Since I started here in August 2010 I think I have changed a lot.  I have mellowed significantly with dealing with the stress of being here.  Oh don't get me wrong I can still go on a diatribe of pain about the most inane subjects.  My fellow expats know when to leave me alone and have even given me the following sign to put up so they know when to stay away (See below).

A few weeks ago I signed an extension to stay on until the December 31st, 2015.  Why did I do this, well it came down to the fact that I wasn't really done here, and I didn't have anything else to go to next.  I'm working on developing my options and we will see how that plays out.  In the meantime I'm going to try and enjoy myself, save some more money and explore a bit.

So this might be a one off post or it might not.  See what the week brings.  Oh and if you do read this let me know, so I can see if anybody is still reading this.


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