
It seems to me that my previous post has been officially eclipsed by my weekend rant.  Just to be clear that diatribe was long in the tooth and probably a bit overdue but it had to be set straight.  I'm proud of it, and looking forward to what is to come.

This post, well let's see where it goes.  It's been a week.  Cuba has been Cuba.  I have to say I'm getting a certain fondness in my heart for the crazy and I actually understand it and can try to protect it.  

We have been trying to pay this one invoice for probably 2 months if not longer.  The amount to be paid and the work are not disputed. The problem is that the project hasn't been approved within the budget of the country.  Yeah this is like getting the government of Canada to approve an invoice.  If you think that might be daunting this is the world we live in.  So while crazy, I have to say it has been a fun ride.  I swear the course I took a few weeks ago gave me my inner Zen.  I'm golden.  Nothing can bother me.  That being said I'm in a super wicked mood.  Any ideas why???

So what the hell does this word mean "smitten".  My friends enjoy throwing it out there like it's a Frisbee to a golden retriever.  When I hear it I know they are happy/busting my balls.  They all want me to be happy and  and they are taking great pleasure in it.  In the back of their minds they are protective of me.  They witnessed the previous downfall and I know they won't go easy on anybody in my life.  They want what is best for me, they want me to be happy, but if they feel it is wrong I pity the fool.

Next Saturday is going to be a party.  I'm looking forward to it.  I haven't had this group of friends together in a long time and it is going to be a joyous affair.  I'm really looking forward to them figuring out that they have a stupid amount in common and start hanging out independent of me.  That and I think it will make things easier on a certain somebody.  Take the pressure off of her and allow her to get to know the people that are the most important in my life.  Oh Canada!!!


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