Cuban 1yr Update
To the best of my recollection here is what has transpired over the past year:
- 3 more robberies, including one safe that was stolen and one room broken into while the guy was sleeping in bed
- One of the guys had a baby daughter with his Cuban girlfriend
- 200-300 people have been put in jail from the city I work in due to various allegations about the performance of his/her job
- My Cuban boss was terminated for something that happened in her previously employment and had nothing to do with anything she could control
- Expat got sent home for being caught with his chica in his room, 2 weeks prior to him going home for cancer treatment
- One of my best friends is also being treated for cancer back home. Very hard to be away from all that.
- Traveled a lot. I racked up just over 100,000 flight miles this year. Not points, actual mile flown.
- Hit Vegas 2 more times, Hawaii, and the Bahamas.
- Planned and booked trip to Chile and Argentina for February. It's going to be a slobber knocker of a trip.
- Canned chicken breast from Costco is awesome
- Found some kind of meat to grind up to make hamburger. I'm really hoping it's beef.
- Received an E-reader as a birthday present and it might have been the best gift I've ever received
- Spanish is improving but not like it should
- Stewie has turned into an almost reasonable cat
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