
I'm not sure what to title this entry.  Normally the title comes first and helps me to focus my writing.  I'm not sure how well it works because I tend to lose track of where I was going.  I think this post will have several different slants to it.

First of all we use a code word here for a derogatory term.  Normally most people don't use the word retard anymore as it applies to a person.  It's no longer politically correct to do so.  However if you look up the definition of the word it can mean to slow, delay or hinder.

The word we use instead is beaver.  Now then we aren't using it as the Merriam Webster dictionary defines it.  We are using it in the politically incorrect context.  "That person is such a beaver".  That being said, when you think of the person in terms of the country we work in, we really are using the dictionary definition.  It's not that these people have any mental, physical or cognitive problems, it's the system they live in that has created this condition.  If you are a nature vs nurture person then this might be an interesting topic for debate.  When the people leave the system and move to another country they are quite often successful.

So why the post?  Well with all the goings on over the last several years, the staff have been effectively retarded and are no longer able to accomplish anything.  Yesterday was supposed to be payday, but unfortunately our staff weren't able to get things done in time and sorted out with the bank in order to get it done.  The bank changed their system and instead of our staff testing it with our payroll system to make sure it works they just assumed it would work.  Well it didn't and nobody has been paid yet.

Eventually this will get fixed and people will get paid, however it all could have been avoided if they were more proactive.  As the saying goes, "you pretend to pay me, and I will pretend to work."  Unfortunately the pay issue is out of our hands and is controlled by the government otherwise we would resolve it.

On a positive note the lack of people being paid did make shopping today a lot quieter.  The market was pretty quiet and I was able to find 10lbs of mangoes.  Also I was having problems securing a supply of stuff for when my gf and friends show up in a few weeks.  Today no problem.  I got a couple of flats of beer for them, and 3 more for my hurricane supplies.  I was also able to track down some diet pop and another couple of 5L jugs of water.  If I can have another successful shopping trip like this next weekend I should be set for the season.

Oh and the countdown is on.



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