Day 1

So I've have been debating with myself about whether or not I should filter myself here.  There is one story that I believe is border line life changing.  If it had happened in another situation in another place given the same circumstances I would have had more options.  In this situation it was my first day in Cuba working with a different culture of people.

Everything here is different.  From the fact that our immune system can't handle their drinking water (apparently our water in Canada is too clean and makes us sick, where as for the Cuban's its fine), to the recycled ass wipe that is harder to find that an honest politician, to the lack of soap in the bathrooms,  inventory tags on furniture, to the 27 min lunch breaks.  Its just plain different.

The people are very nice, and very welcoming.  They don't believe that anybody is better than anybody else and that everybody is equal.  Not only in life but in the work place as well.  Those of you who know me, know that I hate ego's and people who think they are better than somebody else.  I have issues with titles and thinking that if you have a certain title you are better than somebody else.  So coming to this environment where it really is about teamwork I think will do me just fine.  The incumbent doesn't work as part of the team and doesn't perform any functions for them.  Oh and the best part is, he doesn't do anything as part of the day to day, monthly, quarterly or yearly reporting.  That's accountant geek speak for he isn't involved and doesn't have to push things out on a timeline.  So my worry about trying to pick up all the things he needs to do and get them turned around quickly have disappeared.  I realize he pretty much surfs the web, does a few small project things and that's about it.  Easy to replicate.  My plan is to structure the role as the middleman between here and Canada and work on improving how things operate.  Right now there seems to be a massive communication breakdown.  I'm not sure if its a culture issue, lost in translation, or lack of understanding from Canada but shit doesn't work properly.  It causes frustration on both ends which is never good.  Part of it I think is that the Canadian side thinks they are better than the Cuban's as far as accounting goes.  These people are smart.  They are quick, they are conscientious and very detailed oriented.  Of course you have the odd one that's not good, but for the most part they are very good at what they do.  The problem is that nobody talks to them.  Canada gets the data, changes it, and then asks them what's going on with it.  First things first.  You changed what I gave you, and you are now asking me what's going on with it?  I call bs.

So yeah I have a lot on my plate project wise to deal with, which really boils down to fostering communication in all directions.  The other thing I have to learn to cope with is the living situation.  I think its manageable, but only time will really tell.  I figure I will give myself until Christmas to see what I think about it.

So yeah, I'm not sure if I will put my story out there for the world to read yet, but time will tell.

Esta leugo


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