Now the rest of the story

So I get through customs everything goes smoothly.  My work visa pretty much takes care of everything and presto change oh I'm picking up my bag.  At this point I make a rookie mistake.  I was so excited to find my driver and get going that I forgot to get cash.  Oh well they will take credit cards at the hotel and may even have a money exchange there.  So in my excitement I go outside and read all the signs and nothing.  Nobody is there. So one of the government officials asks me what am I looking for and I tell her I'm looking for my driver to go to Moa as I work for Sherritt.  She quickly locates the gentleman and I'm on my way again.

Now then this guy doesn't speak any english, and well my spanish performs much better after a few beverages.  So I'm literally just following this guy and have no clue where I'm going or even what hotel I'm staying at as the travel arranger said that the driver would take care of me.  Uh yuh.  So we start driving and the roads start of decent and I'm expecting to be headed into Holguin.  Just as I can see the lights we turn off the road.  Little tidbit here, its dark. I mean pitch black.  Street lights haven't been invented in this part of the world.  I have no clue where we are going, and or if I'm about to be held ransom for cash.  Not quite that dramatic but hey its a strange country and I'm driving into the middle of nowhere passing horse drawn buggies and all kinds of crap.  So about 15mins later we start winding up this driveway.  Great getting to the resort this place will be massive.  Nope nada.  Tiny little thing couldn't see anything.  Literally felt like I was getting dropped off at the end of the planet.  So the driver starts asking me when to pick me up tomorrow.  Well I was under the impression that he was staying in the same hotel.  Guess that one isn't happening either.  I say 11 or 12, cause really what's the hurry?  I guess that borderline offended him and he didn't like that idea.  Its at this time that the guy I'm replacing shows up (great timing) and transaltes for me.  I guess the driver wanted to get back to Moa as early as possible as he lives in Moa.  Ok fine.  We agree to meet at 9.  Next up checking in.  Remember that whole credit card idea I had???  Yeah well they don't take them at the hotel.  Only the tourist hotels.  Cash????  Yeah I have 13 pesos to my name curtisy of a friend of mine.  So not going to cut it.  Again the guy I'm replacing steps up and covers it for me.  Oh yeah and its not like I understood a word that they were saying either.

Now then, the guy I'm replacing (who has no clue) had invited me to head into town with him.  At this point I'm exhausted from the 8 hours of flying, little bit of stress, and just a general need to unwind.  So I decline his very polite offer and say that I'm just going to show and go to bed.  The hotel room was clean but old and Motel 6ish.  So I shower and crash and have a bit of a tossing turning sleep.

Next morning I get up, get ready and go and try to find the driver again.  The hotel looks much nicer in the the light of day.  Its up on a hill surrounded by trees and looking at well nothing really.  Driver shows up and I try to explain to him that I need cash.  He understands and off we go to Holguin to get me some dinero.  Little 30 min delay and a nearly 20% fee to get pesos, off we go.

We are driving along these crappy little roads, bobbing and weaving past bicycles, horse and buggies and people hitch hiking.  All of a sudden buddy stops, gets out and grabs some fruit from these baskets at the side of the road.  He starts piling in mango's.  I'm like ok, well he is getting some fruit for the week.  Does he put them in anything?  Nope they just roll around the back of the vehicle making a mess of everything.  So we drive in silence for another 1hr or so and he does this again, but this time he walks down a driveway and comes back with a bag of something or other, and a bottle of what looks like coconut milk.  So good, buddy has food for the week and I'm nervous/excited to see Moa.

I see the welcome to Moa sign and it looks not too bad.  Buildings are bad, and look like shanty towns disguised as apartment buildings and I think, nah expats wouldn't live like that, our place will be nicer.  Well it is nicer, if by nicer you mean its a 1 floor motel style, but there is absolutely no outside space.  Not that you'd want to be out there anyways as there are critters that will sneak into your place if you keep the door open.

So I have some pics of the journey in that I will post when I get back to Kelowna to show you what it looks like.  My initial shock was mind numbing.  I honestly was thinking to myself what did I get myself into?  I don't know if I can do this.  Slowly but surely over the course of Sunday afternoon I settled down.  The food was edible and is free.  So maybe I can handle this.  At this point I figure this week shall be interesting, and I just need to cocoon a little bit.

That's enough for now, I have lots to say about work and a few other items, but I will leave them for next time.  I'm still debating how much to share because I'm not sure if people who read this, and know me, will look at me the same way again if I tell the story.

To be determined..............................


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