Break from our Regularly Scheduled Programming

So I see that the Premiere of BC has stepped down.  This is not a post saying he was either good or bad.  This is a post about the stupidity of people who think they know what they are talking about.  All over facebook people are happy to see this happen.  Why do you ask?  I say it is primarily to do with the HST, and partially that people hate all politicians.

Let's address the later group first.  If you are happy he is gone, then you must think that his replacement will be better.  But will he or she?  If you hate the Liberals and want to see them fail, then you are hoping that the NDP gets in.  Based on this logic you like what the NDP stands for.  Let's take a look at the previous NDP reign.  Taxes were higher, the provincial debt and deficit were higher, and unemployment was higher.  So if that's what you want then by all means vote NDP.  That is your right as ignorant as I may think it is.

Now then for those that hate the HST.  Yeah yeah yeah, we all hate paying more taxes.  I get that.  Yes it was communicated terribly.  I agree. What has been lost is in all of this is whether or not it is a good tax or not.  Some would say that there isn't such a thing as a good tax.  Well that's fine but how do we pay for healthcare and education?  Running a province isn't free.  So let's agree that taxation is inevitable.  Now the key is to make it as efficient and fair as possible.  Ok so we can tax on earnings or on spending.  Which is easier to achieve?  Based on the the complexity of the income tax act, I'd say spending.  Now then, we must remove or make allowances for basic human needs so as not to penalize those less fortunate.  This can be handled via the well established GST credit (now HST credit) and via making certain goods tax exempt.  Ok done.  Now then as we paying more sales taxes, we should pay less income taxes.  Ok, that makes sense.  So let's lower personal income taxes.  Mission accomplished, albeit a little late.  Happy no, but I do understand the need to create a little extra income to cover the recession spending.

Ok so in the end, the communication sucked, but the result is ok.  Is that worth losing your job for?  Yeah it probably is.  Is it worth giving up all that has been gained over the past 10 years?  Nah probably not.  Time will tell who wins the next election.  I personally am hoping to continue to see BC progress as it has over the past 10 years.  If not, well I guess I may have to stay in BC a little longer.  I can tell you another thing, if income taxes go up, I will be moving my place of residence to a cheaper tax jurisdiction.


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