Updates and the Exodus

Well, this isn't really about Cuba, but more about some of the stress being away from home can cause. Last week my current roommate took a new job in Calgary. While it's a good career move for her, it threw me into panic mode. I had already discussed the likelihood that she may take this job with a few people, but I had been lulled into a false sense of security that she wasn't going to go. So yeah, I was a little shocked and then worried about what to do about Stewie when she confirmed that she was. After waiting patiently a few days I received confirmation that the new roommate would accept my offer and is moving in. Now all is all settled and I can breathe again. We will see how the little man handles the change. He will be losing his buddy and a caregiver he knows, to be replaced by somebody new. Time will tell how it will work out.

Again on an unrelated topic, I have decided to go to Vegas for Christmas. I found a great deal; $500 all in, NY NY, leaving from Kelowna on Christmas Day, returning on the 28th. So yeah, it's going to be a gong show. Christmas night will consist of a nice dinner, a burlesque show, and then off to the strippers. For those of you who know me, what could be more fitting? Suggestions will be accepted.

Today we are feeling the effects of tropical storm that should hit this area on Friday or Saturday. No wind, but a ton of rain. I think I'm going to load up on water just in case something happens. I'm only here for another week and a half, but better safe than sorry.

Ok, there you go. Updated. Feel better now? I know I do.


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