Where to start

So I haven't posted since I left Cuba.  Excuse me for my rudeness but I was a tad busy when I was home.  After having spent 6 weeks in Cuba I had lots of friends to catch up with, and a cat who needed some attention.  Plus I needed some sleep.  The trip home was a little rough on my system and it took me a few days to recover.

I may have mentioned to some of you that I was escorting two Cubans to Canada for training.  They were from my department and the training was much needed and I was looking forward to seeing the rewards of their time there.  Well much to my surprise only one of them made it back.  The other one decided he didn't want to come back and defected.  Good times.  We are now down another key employee and its going to be even harder to accomplish what we need to over the next little while.

Anyhow the Movember madness party was a success as most of us have little recollection over what happened. That's what happens when you start drinking at 5pm and don't get home until 2pm. It was a merry band of revelers and I think a few people even saw Ralph that night (not me though).

The second week was a different than the first.  I assisted the old roommate in moving out, and the new roommate moving in, all while under the weather.  I took some cough syrup one morning and ended up all whacked out.  Oh well it made the move go faster and I'm sure the new roommate was laughing her ass of at me.

Little hint to all those who travel out there.  Don't fly for extended periods of time with a sinus cold or infection.  It just doesn't go well.  My ears still haven't popped and I feel  worse than I did before I left.  Good thing I had stocked up on Nyquil.  I love that stuff.  Hopefully it clears up in the next few days as I'm supposed to head to Holguin this weekend for a party.

So there you are, somewhat caught up on the goings on.  Less than a month until Vegas!!!


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