Tomas what? Plane Crash??? Huh?

Ok so the hurricane was a big to do about nothing.  I really wasn't worried, and as it turned out I was right.  Yeah it rained pretty hard on Friday morning.  I'm not sure when it started but sometime before 6ish.  It stopped by noon.  As the City was still on Hurricane Alert from the Cuban National Defense we weren't allowed to go to work.  That was probably a good thing as the river that we cross to get to work was almost up to the bridge. So what did we do instead?  Well we played crib for hours upon hours, and drank copious amounts of beer.  Were we supposed to work?  Yeah we were, but you can't really work when you are watching storm updates on CNN and hearing news about a plane crash.

That's right I said plane crash.  Not sure if you saw but a plane went down between Santiago de Cuba and Havana on Thursday night before the hurricane was even a factor.  68 people on board, all dead.  Thankfully no Canadians, but 28 foreigners.  The plane is a French version of the Dash 8 that some of us are familiar with.  No employees of the Company were on board however some people who work with our ocean freight service provider were.  They are the 3 Dutch people.  So yeah close enough to home.  The previous week one of our expats was travelling from Baracoa to Havana on one of these planes and they had to land in Varadero as they ran out of fuel.  Apparently the Cuban's don't put enough gas into the planes to make it the whole way and to allow for a diversion if necessary.  So based on these two incidents, our Company has decided to suspend all travel on Cuban airlines.  It doesn't really effect me as I fly through Holguin.  It does mean that a business trip I had planned to Havana will be cancelled. I'm ok with that.

So there you go, a little catch-up because I know I have been behind in my posting.  If you are lucky I may post again today.  I know you are sooooo spoiled.  Don't get used to it.  I'm home this weekend, and I won't likely be posting for the two weeks I'm out.

Take it easy and hope to see most of you when I'm home.


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