Strange Day

Most of you are still probably a sleep as I write and post this.  Today is Remembrance Day in Canada.  Some of us probably hardly think about it.  I've honoured and or celebrated this day in my own way since University.  It was always a holiday so you have the freedom to do what you want.  Now I could get all philosophical about the use of the word freedom and how it relates to this day but I won't. Not today anyways.

Post university I have had to work on this day even in Canada.  It may have been a holiday but I had work to do.  For some reason the weather on this day was always grey and gloomy.  Some years when I could, I would golf.  The weather wasn't great for golf but it was nice to be alone with your thoughts on this day.  I think the grayness and the wetness that would be part of it made it more enjoyable.

So what's the point of this post?  Today is a truly Canadian holiday.  It is ours.  It was created by us for us.  It doesn't set out to honour the Monarch or anything like that.  It is solely to honour the Canadians that have fought for our Country.  As such it is one of my favorite holidays.  Right up there with Boxing Day (another Canadian Classic).

I feel very proud and lucky to be a Canadian.  Always have and always will.  I might not agree with the politicians and or some of the things that we do, but for better or worse I'm a Canadian.  Working out of the country makes me miss it more.  I have friends working and living all over the world and I'm not sure how this day makes them feel but today is the first time I haven't been  in Canada for Remembrance Day, and damn it feels weird.  That is my point.

In closing, whatever you do or don't do today, try and honour or celebrate this day in your own way.  Big or small.


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