
Showing posts from 2013

End of the Funk or Best Before Date

This blog  has two titles.  I've been struggling between calling it “End of the Funk” and “Best Before Date”.  The reality is both are appropriate and reflect the situation I'm in. I have now been working in Cuba for over 3 years. In that time I wish I could say that I've seen things get better but that would be a lie.  Things are continuing to get worse for both the country and the company.  This also means that our quality of life as expats and working conditions has also declined.  As a professional it’s hard going to work every day just trying to keep things together as opposed to being able to make a positive change.  At some point in time you get tired of hitting your head against the wall and it gets a tad bit depressing.  Also I keep feeling that by staying here I’m falling behind in where I want to go with my career.  I miss the days of working for junior companies.  From developing the business, obtaining financing and...

Where There is Smoke There is Fire

Several months ago I wrote about the rumours that our Canadian boss in Cuba was being replaced.  Well apparently the rumours have finally come true.  On Thursday all of the expats were told to join a conference call at which point we were told.   The replacement is one of the Expats already on site.  I work with him quite a bit now and he is part of our walking group.  I'm looking forward to working with him as his style is much different than the current guy.  The new guy is more inclusive, promotes team work and communicates.  The three facts alone should make my life a lot better.  This past week alone another expat and myself were ready to walk because of our current bosses lack of skills in those three areas.  So yes I'm much much happier.  Just have to wait until November 1st for it to be official.

Out of Office Assistant

I'm out of here.  Less than an hour of work left and just over 2 hours until the van leaves for the airport.  It has been a slice but I need this break.  I'm exhausted.  I can't wait to land in Kelowna tomorrow afternoon.  It's going to be my best arrival home yet.  As I mentioned before I won't likely be posting for a few weeks.  Too much fun stuff to do.  Plus don't you all have something better to do than to read my blog???

Teamo Tequiero

Home home home home home. That's all I've been able to think about all week.  Realistically probably since my visitors left almost two weeks ago.  My mind and desire to be here left on the plane with them.  This past weekend was a bit tough as all I wanted to do was to be home.  This week I've been extremely bored.  I've spent a significant amount of time online shopping and browsing (laptop arriving soon and a few MEC purchases).  Work hasn't been too busy and most things are under control for my impending departure. Other than that I've been going to the gym or working out daily so I'm interested to see what the results are when I get home.  I feel like I've been pretty disciplined this rotation and I'd like to see some results.  It's funny what the magic of camera angle can do.  I think these two pictures speak for themselves. Warm up the bus!!!


Compared to the other guys that I work with I have a pretty good schedule.  We are all required to work 37 weeks a year which means 222 work days on a compressed schedule.  While they routinely work 6 week rotations I normally keep mine well under that.  Our roles are different. Being in finance/accounting there are certain periods that I need to be on site for.  For example every month end period I need to be here for.  This normally means that I’m here for the first two weeks of every month.  If the month end is also a quarter end, then I’m normally here for an additional week or two as well which can result in some longer rotations.  While this system has been working for my Canadian counter parts and the Canadian partner, my Canadian boss in Cuba would prefer if I was “on site” more.  While I still work the same amount of days as my counter parts I am required to be at certain meetings and events in Canada periodically.  Also my Canadia...

Leaps and Bounds

I feel that my life has been best rewarded when I make leaps.  When I don’t play it safe but instead take an uncomfortable jump.  These decisions are normally accompanied by severe bouts of nervousness. This has rewarded me both professionally and in my relationships.  Professionally after years of working for the same firm I made the decision to jump to leave public accounting and to go work in industry.  While the company I went to initially didn’t last long I was able to continue jumping from one venture to the next continuing to learn and develop my skills.  After several years of that I took the leap to move to Cuba.  Wow what a shock to the system that was.  I can’t believe it has now been three years that I have been here.  My current relationship (Spouis Blomley aka Teamo Tequiero) has been fraught with leaps.  First there was the leap to even meet up and hangout in the first place given our histories.  Then there was th...

Did anybody see the elephants wearing pink shoes in a field of peonies???

A fter the muerta vaca the rest of the trip was pretty relaxed and low key.  So if you are looking for entertaining stories then you should probably look elsewhere.  Also sorry for the delay in getting this posted but I ran into a few issues.  I was tired, internet problems and then had a case of writers block.  So anyhow without further delay here we go. We did a quick day trip to Moa so that everybody could see the town, my room and a trip around the plant.  Nobody was feeling their best this day as something had gotten ahold of our stomachs.  I blame the numerous hours in the sunshine, consuming an assortment of alcoholic beverages, and lack of water.  While it was a relaxing day for the passengers I was exhausted from driving and navigating the various obstacles.  The following day we again got up early (much to the chagrin of some participants) to go on a catamaran, snorkeling, dolphin excursion.  Our sun screen captain ensured ...

Muerta Vaca

So Christmas came and Santa delivered. I even heard that Santa tried to deliver me a stocking but Santa's little helper wouldn't deliver the goods.  Next time no excuses. What an amazing week.  I don't think I could have hoped or planned or dreamed for a better vacation. The weather was perfect.  It was hot, a little breezy at times and sunny.  Everybody walked away with a tan and there was very little sunburning to be had.  I think we have our little sunscreen captain to credit for that, so please take a bow, job well done.  She made sure we kept applying sunscreen, were in the shade or had a sun shirt on.   However I feel like we are getting ahead of ourselves.  So let's start from the beginning.  The gf and friends were up bright and early on Sunday to start their journey and I was up around the  same time.  Hard to sleep when you are waiting for Santa.  So they start their journey and I started packing and trying to...


Today is the long awaited day that my gf and my friends arrive in Cuba.  The last few weeks have been so annoying having to wait.  I have patience but for this kind of thing it gets a bit taxed.  I'm so happy to see her/them and show them around my little bit of Cuba.  Also this is the start of the summer trips and it's going to be an amazing summer.  I'm just about packed up and going to try and have a quick nap and then make the 3 hr drive to the resort. So you will not hear from me for just over a week.  Be jealous be very jealous.

A Routine Rant

Ruts, routines, systems, whatever you want to call them.  Yeah they seem boring and mundane but they keep things moving in the right direction.  My first day back in Cuba this rotation we lost our coffee machine in the restaurant. Normally not that big of a deal.  Well let me take you back. For the last several years me and one of the other expats would meet for coffee at about 6:30 in the restaurant before going to work.  We'd have a nice quick espresso, americano or just a plain large coffee. I'd always have a bottle or two of water as well. This was my routine.  It was ingrained. Sometimes when I was hungry I'd have a granola bar as well.    It became part of my day.  It was how everything started.  Well when that disappeared both of us starting having issues.  My morning went to crap.  I was less productive and easily distracted.  I honestly don't think I did a much before 10am without our morning routine. So I chang...


So as previously mentioned my gf and my friends are coming to Cuba on Sunday.  I'm uncontrollably excited.  Another friend of mine keeps saying that "Santa Claus has no chance competing with this" and she is right.  To me this is better than Christmas.  As most of you are aware I'm not a huge fan of Christmas to begin with, but even if I was this would win hands down.  Sunday night can't come soon enough. I want this to be a great trip for all in involved.  I feel like Cuba is kind of my country now too. So while I know Cuba has it's issues and we don't always have stuff, I'd like to make my friends trip as enjoyable as possible.  I don't want them to want for anything.  While we are staying at a Cuban 5 star resort compared to other countries 5 star resorts this isn't even close. Technology is a big limiting factor of being on the island.  While you can use your Canadian cell phones to surf the internet (at much slower speeds) and you ca...

Fueling the Fire

Writing on a blog makes you feel like you have an obligation to post.  Not just that but your audience is expecting to be entertained.  I understand that.  You need to be interesting and entertaining or else why should people spend their time reading some mindless drivel that somebody spews out into cyber space.  Exactly I wouldn't.  So while I know I haven't posted in several days I feel an obligation to those that spend their valuable time reading what it is I have to say, to make sure what I write gives them some value. So update from the week.  It's been very quiet.  Some would say too quiet.  Our Canadian boss in Cuba has been in Canada this week and there seems to have been lots of Cuban secret meetings.  Of course we as Canadians are always the last to know what's going on.  The Cuban side shares information willingly to one another but the Canadian side is always tight lipped.  There have been rumours circulating for over ...

Flip Flops Beat High Heels Every Time!!!

Saturday after work we went to Baracoa.  By we I mean myself, another expat engineer, his translator and the translator's gf.  We don't require a translator for this kind of trip but we are all friends and they often come with us on our little excursions.  They have family in Baracoa and they stay there while we typically stay at a hotel called El Castillo. Baracoa is only 70km away but it takes a tad over 2 hours to get there as the road is terrible.  Plus you need to stop for the occasional rest (one of the cubans get's car sick and I need to relieve myself from the excess beer).  I normally have to drive but this time I was able to sit back and relax as a passenger as the other expat was driving. Now then I haven't been to Baracoa since mid-January.  Back then the air was cooler, the hotel was full and the town was busy with tourists.  On this night the town was teaming with locals celebrating some kind of festival, the hotel was empty, and t...


I'm not sure what to title this entry.  Normally the title comes first and helps me to focus my writing.  I'm not sure how well it works because I tend to lose track of where I was going.  I think this post will have several different slants to it. First of all we use a code word here for a derogatory term.  Normally most people don't use the word retard anymore as it applies to a person.  It's no longer politically correct to do so.  However if you look up the definition of the word it can mean to slow, delay or hinder. The word we use instead is beaver.  Now then we aren't using it as the Merriam Webster dictionary defines it.  We are using it in the politically incorrect context.  "That person is such a beaver".  That being said, when you think of the person in terms of the country we work in, we really are using the dictionary definition.  It's not that these people hav...

Unrest afoot???

Ah Cuba.  Things seem to be chugging along smoothly and then the trouble starts.  You can really tell how the economy is doing by the level of petty crime and theft. At the end of May one of our guys had his spare tire stolen from the back of his truck overnight.  The tire was locked in the back of his truck with a wrapped cable and a good solid padlock.  Obviously they cut the cable.  They then proceed to fit the tire through a hole in the fence.  Now we do have guards and they are supposed to be patrolling but in all honesty they are helping the thieves and getting paid for their help.  We thought it was a one of event and moved our trucks to a different location closer to where the guards sit and sleep (they are supposed to be awake). So this trip in I expected that everything would be ok.  Well I was wrong.  After work today I got a call from one of our guys to come over to his room.  He proceeds to show me a pile of wooden block...

Time Flies

It seems like only yesterday that I was writing my previous post from Moa.  These past two weeks have flown by. The weather in Kelowna was absolutely terrible.  I think it rained every day I was there.  That being said I was still busy.  I'm now thinking I may have to add another week out in August to make up for the lack of summer I experienced over the last two weeks. This was a trip of me meeting some new people, and introducing my friends to the new person in my life.  I don't think I have ever laughed as hard as I did when my friends were interrogating her.  She was a trooper and survived an onslaught of over 75 questions.  I thought I had it bad, but boy was I ever wrong. My trip also coincided with a visit from my good friend Sapita.  While we didn't get to spend a ton of time together, it was nice to catch up and I will see her again at the end of August. The count down is on as the visitors will be showing up in 3 short weeks. ...

All aboard!!!

The train is about to leave the station.  Well I guess not really a train, I think I'm in a Pathfinder for my trip to the airport.  This has been a good rotation.  Nice and short how I like, without a ton of stress.  Things worked out well. That being said we have had some issues.  We haven't had much water in our rooms for bathing and flushing the toilets.  It has been a problem the entire time I've been here.  This week the problem got worse as we also seem to have run out of bottled water for drinking.  I did a trip around town yesterday and there is nothing to be found.  I was looking to stock up on my hurricane provisions prior to leaving.  Normally I like to have enough water on hand for an entire rotation, as well as several flats of beer.  You would be surprised how much you need to survive a storm.  By our estimates you need 5L of water per day (no AC), a flat of beer (calories and medicinal reasons) and as much cann...


It seems to me that my previous post has been officially eclipsed by my weekend rant.  Just to be clear that diatribe was long in the tooth and probably a bit overdue but it had to be set straight.  I'm proud of it, and looking forward to what is to come. This post, well let's see where it goes.  It's been a week.  Cuba has been Cuba.  I have to say I'm getting a certain fondness in my heart for the crazy and I actually understand it and can try to protect it.   We have been trying to pay this one invoice for probably 2 months if not longer.  The amount to be paid and the work are not disputed. The problem is that the project hasn't been approved within the budget of the country.  Yeah this is like getting the government of Canada to approve an invoice.  If you think that might be daunting this is the world we live in.  So while crazy, I have to say it has been a fun ride.  I swear the course I took a few weeks ago gave me my...


Words are a powerful thing.  While everybody thinks they mean the same thing to everybody they don't.  Everybody has experienced words differently in their own life.  Some people may find a certain word funny.  Others may find it offensive.  I remember one female co-worker that would laugh hysterically if somebody mentioned the phrase pussy cat.   It used to be a game of ours when we were working long hours to try and make each other laugh.  It was how we coped with working 70-80 hr work weeks. Here in Cuba I find it especially interesting.  Their sense of humour is amazing.  Even with everything going on they find the ability to laugh.  Everything here has a sexual connotation to it. This isn't just left for the men, the women are just as big of a part of it as the men. Today for instance is one of my regular monthly meetings that's about 3 hrs long, all in Spanish without a translator.  This is one of the meetings where I have...

Where do we go from here?

Ok so made my first post in over a year this past week.  I've started and stopped this entry several times.  Why?  Well I didn't know if I should write this one and if so how it was going to flow.  So without further delay lets see what we got. So the last several weeks have been interesting.  Well in all honesty the last couple of months.  Over the last few months I started hanging out with a new person.  I guess not really new as she used to date a friend of mine.  Yeah I know bro-code and all but it was a long time ago.  I don't really remember spending much time with the two of them back then as I had my own stuff going on.  I had just started my new job in Cuba, I was seeing somebody new myself at the time (on and off) and yeah we didn't really see each other a ton over that time.  Life was busy. Anyhow we went out a couple of times for some drinks and debauchery.  When I say debauchery I mean consumption of far too mu...

Did you miss me???

Yeah triple question marks.  I seem to like using triple punctuation marks.  It was pointed out to me recently and I had never noticed.  I think that three is better than one, and two is just strange.  So that was a tip of the cap to a certain someone.  ;) Ok yeah I've been gone awhile.  I have been kicking around the idea of writing again.  Part of me misses it, and part of me thought that I had written everything I had to say and that I was just repeating myself.  I started writing about Cuba as a way to communicate with friends as well as to vent about my frustrations and learning to adapt to living and working here. Since I started here in August 2010 I think I have changed a lot.  I have mellowed significantly with dealing with the stress of being here.  Oh don't get me wrong I can still go on a diatribe of pain about the most inane subjects.  My fellow expats know when to leave me alone and have even given me the following...